
We specialize in the production of private label knee-highs, socks, tights and leggings. We create products upon customer request according to needs in a complete production process that goes from knitting to the dyed and ironed product ready for packaging.

Made in Italy Hosiery

With almost 40 years of experience in the sector, we create private label knee-highs and tights for women, children and babies with passion and professionalism.
The materials used to make each item are carefully chosen by certified suppliers who respect the highest European safety standards.
Each finished product is a mixture of style and elegance, always fashionable and able to satisfy even the most demanding customer, thanks to the convenience and comfort that derive from it.

Our production department

The expert team of collaborators, active within Calzificio Due C, uses Lonati machinery, set up with the following types of diameters (cylinders of 320 - 336 - 380 - 400 – 432 needles). In this way it is possible to create various items perfect for children, babies and adults.

With professionalism and speed our employees work at the company every day, managing to achieve a total monthly production of about 600,000 pairs.


After the design of the piece and after the tubes have been removed, the workers take care of the seaming phase.
If socks, knee-highs or stockings are produced, it is necessary to sew at the toe using the Detexomat machine and then on the sock an application of the lace flounce by means of a 2-needle stitching. For tights or leggings it is essential to assemble the 2 tubes to transform them into a real pair of tights or leggings, the sewing can be done automatically with Takatori or Solis machines for in-line sewing or manually with overlock or 4-needle flat seam.
These operations can also be carried out by trusted external laboratories, specialized in the different types of processing, but mainly we are able to carry out almost all the processes internally.

Ironing and Checks

Following the seam is the most important part of the second step, represented by a strict quality control, so as to highlight any imperfections or discards.
The next phase is then represented by the ironing, made using infrared machines with the Cortese CR3 brand.
During the ironing phase, a very selective control is carried out by highly qualified personnel who only deal with carrying out this activity.


Once the control phase is over, the tights are placed in cardboard boxes and then sent to an industrial dyeing plant in the area a few km from us, where once they arrive in their warehouse they are prepared for the dyeing phase.
First, an analysis is carried out in the laboratory to identify the exact color to be reproduced on the customer's sample using a spectrophotometer and subsequently a small test is carried out in a sampling machine to obtain the dyeing process that gives the best result to the garment in terms of solidity, softness and optimization of the process in the production department to avoid waste of water or chemical products.
After having obtained the result that the customer requests, we move on to the actual dyeing phase of the entire order in the production department.
The dyeing of the tights or stockings can be done in a pressure cabinet, placed in special drawers for dyeing already ironed and fixed articles or rotary dyeing for natural fiber articles, once they leave the dyeing bath they are then dried with belt dryers radio frequency or tambler or low temperature dryers for light or delicate items such as Lurex.
Last but not least, a sample is taken from the freshly dyed production and subsequently tests and fastness tests are carried out, both standard and customized by the customer.